Contact Us

Get in Touch with InformADHD Children's Clinic

Choose your preferred method


Fax: 03 7047 9932

Opening Hours

Mondays 9am-5pm

What you can do in an Emergency

InformADHD Children's Clinic is not equipped to handle emergencies. For emergency assistance, contact 000 for help within minutes or visit the nearest Emergency Department. If your need is within days, reach out to your GP. For mental health support, contact Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) at 1300 094 187. Kids Help Line is also available at 1800 55 1800.


Help in minutes

Emergency Department

Help in hours


1300 094 187

Kids Help Line

1800 55 1800

Submit a referral

There are a number of ways you can submit a referral to us:
1. Upload a referral online
2. Fax
3. Post
4. Your GP can send us one through ReferralNet